Mens Orange White and Blue Patterned Dress Shirt

How did you decide what dress shirt to wear this morning?

Do you ever get stuck not knowing what kind of dress shirt to wear with your jacket or trousers?

This article will teach you everything you need to know about dress shirts to help you present yourself as the professional you are.

A Businessman & The Dress Shirt

Most men understand that, during a first encounter, they are sized up quickly by others based on their physical appearance.

Thus it is to their advantage to come across and professionally dressed. But what constitutes acceptable and what does it mean to dress professionally?

Once upon a time, a man was taught this lesson by his father and the men he grew up around; unfortunately the generation since Woodstock has had to find this information on their own.

Understanding dress code etiquette and how it affects professional appearance can start in many places – today we'll begin with the man's dress shirt.

dress shirts

Colors & Patterns For The Working Man's Dress Shirt

Men's dress shirts are available in a wide range of colors and patterns.

However the smart businessman will limit himself to the tried and true colors that embody professionalism while giving him room to display individualism.

In addition, the observant businessman always pays attention to his surrounding and the unspoken dress code he finds himself a part of.

A conservative Law Firm in Washington DC is going to have different allowances than that search engine company in Mountain View California.

Solid Shirts

Solid colored dress shirts, especially white and blue, are the bedrock of the businessman's clothing.

He needs to have several of these and always an extra one at the office in case of an accident.

The solid white has a deep history; in summary the man who wore white did more work with his mind than hands, thus he could wear this color without soiling it.

Great business colors, in no particular order, are light blue, light pink, gold, off-white, french blue, lavender, and just about any of these woven into an oxford.

Should men wear black dress shirts or any other more unusual colors for that matter? I would not rule these out completely but I recommend any man starting out begin with the foundational colors above first. Once you have a solid base then you can begin to experiment and see what works best for you.

One quick tip: if you drink a lot of coffee or smoke and do not bleach your teeth, consider off-white instead of brilliant white. Nothing will highlight a yellow smile like a white collar.

Click on the above image to shop for men's dress shirts online.

Striped Shirts

The more design that sits atop a dress shirt, the less dressy it is. More casual than a solid white or blue, a striped dress shirt will fit well in almost every workplace in North America and the world.

It conveys a sense of business (hence why the New York Yankees wear them), and the thinner the stripe usually the more formal the shirt. Be sure that the stripe patterns on your dress shirt are a different size than any other patterns there may be on the tie or suit though.

Checked Shirts

A man's checked dress shirt is the most casual pattern of the three, and is an excellent choice on the weekend or when a man is looking to create a relaxed appearance.

It matches naturally with the button down collar, and looks best on men with a thin or athletic build. Large men should avoid this pattern as it does exaggerate their width and weight.

The Beginning Of A Solid Business Wardrobe

dress shirts

I would like to point out that a dress shirt, no matter what it's pattern or color, is only the foundation for a well-dressed outfit; however, it should not be the dominant piece.

You see, the dress shirt is at heart a piece of clothing meant to be worn under a suit or sports jacket; thus it can never be complete without one.

But you may answer "everyone else wears a dress shirt without a jacket" or "the weather doesn't permit me to wear a jacket."

But ask yourself this – when you're introduced to a new group you'll be working with, all similar in age, who do you perceive to be the team leader?

The guy wearing a polo shirt and khakis or the gentlemen dressed smartly in a well-fitted dress shirt and sports jacket? We have expectations of our leaders, and one of them is to dress like the successful people we believe them to be.

Want to make your dress shirt unique?

Learn more about getting your dress shirt monogrammed here.


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